Monday 27 March 2017

Heart Health Session at Garneau Hall

On Sunday, March 12, 2017, HSS presented its first Heart Health information session to the residents of Garneau Hall. The purpose of this presentation was to provide information about common heart conditions. Over 20 keen participants attended!

The presentation was created by two HSS medical students and discussed key topics about heart conditions and heart-healthy lifestyle choices. These topics included: how atrial fibrillation, heart failure, and heart attacks happen in the body, how to recognize and act on the symptoms of heart conditions, and how to minimize the risk of common heart conditions. An important take home message was how to approach making heart-healthy choices with simple diet and exercise changes. 

The residents of Garneau Hall seemed very engaged by the presentation, and also appreciated receiving their own take-home booklets which provide examples of healthy dietary choices. One participant noted, "this booklet is great because I can see from the pictures what is too much or not too much to eat." We at HSS look forward to visiting Garneau Hall and other residences to talk about heart health again in the future! ~ KF (Medical Student)